Wednesday, September 30, 2009

What Can Accepting Your Success Do For You?

It has been almost a week since the first Success Support Program group class and what is happening in the community is astounding.

The individuals that speak the Language of the Matriarch as a group seem to be really coming out of hiding. One Matriarch has started her own online community for leaders, while another is expressing her wants and desires fully and clearly.

What is happening across the board for the group, is that each member is receiving the opportunity to accept who they are and start receiving.

What has accepting my success done for me? I created a program that over 30 people are part of, my business is expanding and I propel out of bed every morning excited.

So what can accepting success do for you? For a minute, I want you to imagine what that feels like for you. It feels great doesn't it.

Now ask yourself what talents do you have in your Soul that will allow you to accept your success. One last question, what additional tools to you need to start living that success?

Set the intention to receive all of the tools you need to start living your success.

Interested in understanding more about your Soul, join the free class on October 13th at 7:00 p.m. (eastern) by clicking here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Your Judgment Keeping You From Your Success?

I have noticed that when an individual is getting ready for a big, big breakthrough, the voices of doubt can become louder than usual.

Leaders and leaders in training are use to going it alone, always giving love and support but often have trouble receiving it. On that grand scale, things can be a little overwhelming.

It made me think about how the hardest thing for people to accept is LOVE. By not accepting love—love of the Universe, the balanced love of supportive relationships, love for yourself—are you setting yourself up for failure?

Are you:

  • comparing yourself to others?
  • judging whether your life is moving at the pace you’d like?
  • punishing yourself for mistakes you think you have made?
  • feeling that you are not worthy of the love of the Universe?
  • always in giving mode, judging yourself when you want something?

I believe people often see success as validation of their value. They try to get successful by doing, doing, doing. Success starts inside, at the cellular level. Every part of you needs to know how successful you are being YOU. Only then will your outside world reflect that.

Judgment is the easiest road to failure. It's time to start using the tools of your Soul to express love to yourself, to forgive yourself, and to feel how successful you are.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Missing Your Community Because You Are Focusing On Getting It Right

I read an interesting line in a book the other day (it was a mystery; I don't read anything but fiction), "...I was so focused on getting it right, that I wasn't paying attention to my feelings...."

I stopped and grabbed a pen and paper. I had to write it down. What I noticed about certain Soul Languages (Image Maker, Teacher of Integrity, Arranger, Mortar Maker) is that they can be so focused on getting everything so perfect that their community has drifted off or they are unable to receive their community.

What do feelings have to do with this? Plenty! Recently, I attended an amazing event held by Christine Clifton called Move Your Power! One of her handouts included a list of emotions.

If you are experiencing fear, anger, disappointment, exhaustion, depression (to name a few) when creating a program, package, a relationship, or a partnership, well this is a sign that you are out of alignment with what you are creating. As a leader or a leader in training, if you are worried, concern, anxious about being perfect, you will miss connecting and speaking to your community. A leader without a community is like a fish out of water.

How do you get back in your zone? You need to understand what your zone feels like. I work with the members of my community to show them using their Soul Languages, how to place their body in a feeling of working consciously and without doubt. What does that feel like? Well to me, it feels like driving with the top down on a sunny September day. A sense of freedom, of lightness, of abundance, of knowing (and here's the important part) and acting who you are.

In order for you to receive your community (or build your community), it is important you don't use perfection as an excuse to hide from them. We will be discussing this topic further, during the Success Support Membership Program.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

3 Ways to Lead Your Community

As a leader of a community (or a leader in training), you need to understand:
  • your commitment to your community
  • your goal for yourself in this community
  • the purpose of the community
  • what tools you are providing to your community
  • where you need your own support from outside the community
Put it in Writing
It is important that both you and your community know your commitment to the group, so take the time to place this commitment in writing. Most of us don't write it down because we are afraid of responsibility. When you write it down you are saying, this is what my intentions are and I am accepting that power in myself to lead.

Find the Common Purpose
Take a moment to be still and ask Soul what is the common purpose of your community. Then select a couple of community members and ask the same question. This is so you can see and understand how you and your community views your common purpose.

Act the Leader
One of the most important aspects of leading is understanding when you need outside input in regards to your community. Leaders can sometimes feel as if they cannot be vulnerable or feel the need to know everything about everything. That is not leading; that is called a dictatorship. Each day ask what you need as a leader for yourself and for your community.

If you are a leader or a leader in training, the Success Support Program will provide you with tools to: find your community, support your community and feel the support you desire.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are You Asking Yourself Where Is My Community?

The clinch is true, no man is an island. We, especially leaders or leaders in training, wrestle with the desire to be an individual and have a community or tribe. If you are a leader or a leader in training there is an intense desire within you to:
  • know and have a community or tribe
  • to help give this community or tribe the tools to accomplish what they desire
  • to feel supported (financially, spiritual, mentally and emotionally) while being the leader of this community or tribe
  • to be recognize for your individualism
There are several Soul Languages that leadership is within their Soul DNA. A couple of these Languages that include leadership in their Soul Language definition are: Matriarch/Patriarch, Conductor, Sovereign, and Sheppard.

If your Soul is one that yearns for a community and you don't understand how to go about generating that community or tribe, read on!

Recently, I was speaking with a Matriarch (Soul Language category dealing with mission) and she was expressing how she understood this leadership talent within her Soul and yet, was frustrated that her community was no way to be found. My next question to her was a simple one: "How many people follow you on Twitter?" The answer is: 1,100. That's more individuals that were in my high school. So that brings us to strategy to seeking your community.

Your Community Is Right In Front Of You
I'm all for intention, focusing and asking the Universe exactly what you want. You have to understand that sometimes, even if you are thinking you are being clear to the Universe, the Universe might not see it the same way.

My suggestion is to make a list of all the individuals you know and write down the three things they all have in common. Is the common theme with these individuals something you have already master (leader)? Is it a theme that you are currently mastering (leader in training)? Did you notice a theme about your community that you were unaware of?

During a session with an individual who speaks the Soul Language of Sovereign (Soul Language category dealing with personality), we were discussing her career and her desire to connect with her community. She was mentioning that the current reporting, she is an on-air fashion expert, wasn't meaty enough for her. She has an desire to help others transform their lives and the reporting was too surface for her. I remarked that this material seemed to be starving her emotionally, spiritual, mentally, and physically (financially). We discussed ways to begin to connect with to her community with material that she could really sink her teeth into. That brings us to another strategy in seeking your community or tribe.

Don't Water Down Your Passion
Be passionate about what you are providing. Think of passion as a tool to clear paths, blocks and restrictions. Often we can make our lives more complicated then they need to be. If you have lost site of your passion, we will be discussing how to keep passion on track during a group class in the on-going Know Soul's Language Success Support Program.

Above are just some of the strategies for creating or generating your community. Remember, this community or tribe search can be an easy fluid process or it can be a process of struggle, that decision is up to you.

There are several Soul Languages that are geared towards leadership, one of these is the Matriarch/Patriarch Soul Language.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Monday, September 21, 2009

Learn The Keys of Grace and Liberate Your Emotion

This past week I was speaking with a friend, who was experiencing some feelings of anger and she was looking for an answer on what to do about these feelings. She picked up The Keys of Grace affirmation cards and selected The Child Queen (see visual). This card's focusing words are: Liberate Your Emotion. What I love about using a tool like this is, if you are having trouble hearing that inner wisdom, it allows you to tap into it with a flip of the cards.

Often we will use the tool of anger when we don't fully understand something in our lives. Ask yourself, what situation you do you not understand fully and what emotion are you using to process that situation (anger, sadness, frustration)?

Free (or liberate) your emotion. No queen or king can move forward with the weight of anger or self-loathing. The moment your child understands that anger is not the answer, but a symptom of the pain, that is the moment of your coronation.

The affirmation for this card is: I AM AT PEACE. Isn't it time that you moved towards peace and away from anger.

I believe that Marshall B. Rosenberg said it with elegance, "At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled."

Here's to fulfilling your need. The Keys of Grace affirmation deck can be purchased by clicking here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Monday, September 14, 2009

How Do You Know Who You Are?

In The Keys of Grace cards, one of the visuals that was giving me the most trouble explaining the visual to Caren was the card The Magdalene. One day, I walked into Caren's art studio and there on her painting easel was a painting that was so beautiful that I knew it was the visual for The Magdalene. It was Caren's self portrait. The painting fit so beautiful with the meaning of this card which is all about understanding and accepting who you are. This card is about loving every aspect of you. The focusing words for the card is: Accepting Power. Where are you not accepting the power of YOU?

Today, is the day you can start loving yourself more by accepting YOU. I suggest you saying the affirmation on this card aloud: I know who I am.

According to Yoda, there is "only what you take with you." So today, take the power of you along for the ride.

If you are interested in tapping into your inner wisdom a perfect tool is The Keys of Grace affirmation deck. You can pre-order a copy here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Do You Need A Soul Vacation?

Last week, I was in Florida with my mother on vacation. I needed a cation from the everyday so I could reconnect with ME! I read six books (all fun fiction), swam, sat in the sun, and played cards.

I often view the Soul as a creative mass of energy. This energy needs time to pause in between of bursts of genius. Being on vacation made me think of times where I could use a little Soul vacation to help the creative process. I got to thinking on how to create this Soul vacation without utilizing vacation days. I also wanted to make sure I capitalize on the recent re-energizing downtime. For inspiration, on how to craft this exercise, I tapped into the Soul Language -- Creator. These individuals will be known here for the ability to breathe into existence something that has never been in existence before.

Below is one of the exercises that connecting with the energy of this Soul Language generated. It is called: Take a Walk in Your Garden Please note that the exercise takes 30 seconds and read the exercise before conducting.

Settle into a comfortable chair and allow your awareness to settle into your tailbone. Take a deep breath and imagine a beautiful garden. Place in your garden all of your heart's desire. This is a garden of your own making. Everything in the garden, is something you love. There are no limits. Take 30 seconds to feel the peace and comfortable of your perfect place. When you have felt the peace within you, set the intention to bring this peace back with you from your garden. Open your eyes.

The above exercise can be done anytime you are feeling out of sorts. I suggest doing this a couple of times a day and notice at the end of the day how you feel. Do you feel more refreshed? Did your day go more smoothly?

Learn more exercises like this during the Success Support Program.

Finding Your Support -- How JetBlue Loosing My Luggage Taught Me About Support

An ex-boyfriend and I use to have the same argument again and again. It went a little like this:

Jennifer: "I feel like you don't support me."
Ex-boyfriend: "I support you by..." (and then he would list all the ways he felt he supported me).

What I didn't realize then was, we were both right. This concept of feeling support in relationships is a funny thing. Mainly, because support means different things to different people. What I find so interesting about the feeling of being unsupported, is that feeling will seep into every aspect of your life.

This was very apparent on Saturday. As I sat at Westchester Airport, no luggage in hand and looking at the empty baggage belt. Besides wondering where my luggage with all my favorite bits and pieces was, I was wondering how I can change from feeling unsupported to supported. I understood, if I was going to to Unsupported Town because of lost luggage well...

I know that every experience is a chance for me to learn to be more consciously in my soul and become more part of the Universal flow. That's when the words support beam popped into my head.

A support beam is a beam that is supported at each end, and the load is then distributed along its length. If you remove it, the wall or building falls down. I believe this is how we view support in our lives; especially in relationships. Relationships can't be your support beam. You need to be your own beam. You need to find what will help you distribute the load. Once you embrace this concept, what happens is relationships will strengthen that beam. Sort of like the nails in your beam of support.

With this new understanding of support, I asked myself what beliefs were at each end of my beam to distribute this load. Below is the exercise I created in order to create my new beam of support.

Please note that you will need a pen and paper. Sit in a comfortable chair and let your awareness focus on your tailbone. Take a deep breath and ask yourself the following question:

What is a belief that keeps your support beam standing?

What was your answer? The answer that I received to this question was: courage. This of course, fits nicely with my Soul Language the Graceful Warrior.

When you are starting to feel unsupported, that is the time to settle and feel that supportive belief.

Interested in learning more exercises about creating support in your life? Sign up NOW for my FREE* class, How to Create The Success and Support You Deserve, Tuesday, September 15th at 7:00 p.m. (eastern time).

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Ways to Accept Where YOU Are

One of the things that participants will learn during the Success Support Program is how to understand all of the 107 Soul Languages. Why would you want to know about another's Soul Language? Well, so you don't take things personally, so you can learn new skills, and to help you to feel that you are part of everything and everything is a part of YOU. I was able to access what I know about the Soul Language the Sextant for this tip. Again, you can learn more about the Sextant and Laura West below.

1. See How Far You Have Come?
Often when we feel lost, we forget how far we have come prior to this point. Today, break out the color pencils and create a beautiful map on how far you have come in your life. Make sure that you list all of your highlights, accomplishments and greatest. Taking the time to celebrate each win as you draw it on your map.

2. Where Do You Want to Go?
Do you feel lost because you are not sure where you want to go? Today, set the intention to receive just one new direction that you would like to travel in. Do not worry about how this knowledge will reveal itself to you, just set the intention and watch what happens.

3. Joyfully Step Ahead
Tomorrow, when you get out of bed and take your first 15 steps, take them with JOY. With each step state aloud, "I joyfully walk my path."

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Soul's Language at

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You are Supported and Loved in Transition

The Keys of Grace Affirmation cards are a tool for you to connect with guidance easily. I fine them useful if I'm feeling I need a little reassurance or I'm not sure what's my next step. I love when I pull the The Gargoyle card. First, I love his friendly face and I know that even if it doesn't feel like it I'm being guided through my transition.

Each card has a focusing word and transition is The Gargoyle's. This card is about being protected and supported as you move from something smaller to something bigger. Another way to say that is that you are safe as you expand and accept your greatness.

The affirmation for this card, always fills me with a warm feeling -- I Am Being Guided By Love and Support. Set the intention over the next week that you witness how you are being loved and support.

According to, David Hawkins, "That which you resist stays." I think that is important to remember during transition times.

If you are interested in having your own Keys of Grace deck, please pre-order the deck by clicking here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are You Swimming Against The Tide?

There was a time when I chose to swim against the tide.
There was a time when I chose to swim against the tide.

That statement is worth repeating. Imagine the visual of that statement. Imagine yourself swimming upstream. Does it seem easy? (NO) Does it seem natural? (NO) To get ahead, I knew that I had to choose a different option; I had to choose to swim with the tide. Those who choose to work in accord with the flow of the Universe prosper and succeed.

So where are you out of the flow? First you must notice how being out of the flow manifests in your life. Does it show up as "not enoughs" (not enough money, not enough support, not enough love)? Does it show up as a feeling of unhappiness or frustration? Does it show up as a feeling of anger?

The next step is allowing yourself to understand and believe that being in the flow is your right and that it is easy. I'm going to show you how easy it is with a simple and profound exercise.

Exercise - Feeling the Flow
Get comfortable in your chair.
Let your awareness sink into your tailbone.
Ask your body to show you what it feels like to be in the flow of the Universe.
Please note that your body can do this without effort and naturally. All your responsible for is allowing nature to work its magic.

How did the flow feel? How did your world open up after you completed the exercise? I suggest for the next three days in the morning you conduct the exercise and allow yourself to float down the stream.

Interested in learning more tools for success? Join the FRE*E class on September 15th at 7:00 p.m. Click here to secure your spot.

Be Conscious * Be connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Today You Are One With The Universe

Caren and I have been working on The Keys of Grace affirmation deck for over a year. The last couple of months have been the production phase of the effort and we have gone through several sample decks with the graphic designer. The deck I use on a daily basis is in a beautiful red leather folder on my desk. What has been happening lately is when I open a draw or a file in my office and out pops one of the many prototype cards that I have. They are so beautiful and so dear to me that I don't throw any of the earlier editions out.

One of my favorite cards that often pops out at me is The Dove. The focusing word for this card is Connection.

The Dove card is about peace and love. It is about showing yourself peace and love. Even the tiniest bit of love that you show yourself can keep you running for hours. When you show yourself love, it allows you to feel the flow of the Universe. Only when you feel the love and are in the peace, can you understand and see the solution (soultion) to your fears!

The affirmation that goes with this card is: I am one with the Universe.

Caren, the artist of this amazing deck, often sends me quotes. I thought this one fit The Dove card.

"I do not at all understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us."
- Anne Lamott, author and political activist

If you are interested in tapping into your inner wisdom a perfect tool is The Keys of Grace affirmation deck. You can pre-order a copy here.

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at