In The Keys of Grace cards, one of the visuals that was giving me the most trouble explaining the visual to Caren was the card The Magdalene. One day, I walked into Caren's art studio and there on her painting easel was a painting that was so beautiful that I knew it was the visual for The Magdalene. It was Caren's self portrait. The painting fit so beautiful with the meaning of this card which is all about understanding and accepting who you are. This card is about loving every aspect of you. The focusing words for the card is: Accepting Power. Where are you not accepting the power of YOU?
Today, is the day you can start loving yourself more by accepting YOU. I suggest you saying the affirmation on this card aloud: I know who I am.
According to Yoda, there is "only what you take with you." So today, take the power of you along for the ride.
If you are interested in tapping into your inner wisdom a perfect tool is The Keys of Grace affirmation deck. You can pre-order a copy here.
Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful
Learn more about Know Soul's Language at www.knowsoulslanguage.net.
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