Friday, October 30, 2009

Hello, My Name Is...

Whenever I go to a workshop or a networking event and they ask me to fill out that name tag that says, "Hello, My Name is...," I cringe. By lunchtime that name tag will have moved from my shirt to inside my purse.

Why do I dislike the name badge so much? It really doesn't tell you a lot about who I am, what I do and what my purpose is here in life. Erin Saxton and I the other night were discussing our one-liner, or elevator speech. Erin is an amazing human being and a cracker-jack public relations professional. If you don't know her yet, you want to.

She asked me how I do my elevator speech. I told her that it’s simple, I let my Soul Languages do it for me. Then I helped her create hers.

Erin is a Master Mentor with Mind and Spirit. She said that really resonated with her. Of course, because her Soul Languages are Master (Axiom of Translation), Mentor (Axiom of Quest) and Intellect (Tone).

You too can create a one-liner that states to everyone who you are. Here's how to craft it:

  • Determine three words that describe each of your Languages. For example: if your Axiom of Quest is Matriarch, some words to describe that Language are: leader, CEO, or Principal. If your Axiom of Translation is Pleasure Seeker, some words to describe that Language include: joyful, bliss, pleasure. If your Tone is Conductor you can describe that Language with: Highlights, Bring to Light, Shine.
  • Now arrange those words into a one-liner that resonates with you. An example for the above Languages is: Leader Who Highlights Joy or CEO Who Brings to Light the Ability to be Blissful.
  • How does it feel when you say your one-liner? Great, right?

You can start to use these words and the one-liner in your business materials. Now when I go to a workshop or networking event, instead of “Jennifer Urezzio” I write: A Teacher of Integrity, Balance and Grace. That feels amazing to say, be and live!

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Let Love Open The Door

Often when we have fears about moving on to our next level we try to start controlling the process. Fear and control can shut many doors for us that were beginning to open. This can make us feel unsupported by others, territorial, overwhelmed, or even resentful. Those feelings will start to generate physical manifestations.

As a leader you can accept your new position in the world—in your life, your business and your community—with Grace. It usually doesn't have to be as hard as you are making it. I trust that we as humans learn from experience, but we sometimes assume that an experience has to involve great suffering in order for us to understand it.

Right here and right now let that belief go. If each one of us lets our part in that belief go, I can only image the impact it will have on the world.

One of the first steps toward accepting your new leadership role with Grace is to create a conscious connection with your Axiom of Translation. In creating this connection, you can receive guidance from this part of your Soul. Remember, your Soul is there for you 24/7.

The Axiom of Translation is the Language category that expresses how your Soul chooses to act out your mission here. It is the movement of your Soul's agenda or mission. So here's how it works: my mission is to be an Equalizer (Axiom of Quest). I create balance in myself and others by taking steps to teach, learn, act and be in integrity—Teacher of Integrity is my Axiom of Translation.

One more example is an individual who is a Pioneer (Axiom of Quest). A Pioneer forges new roads and territories. In this example, this individual also speaks the Axiom of Translation Language known as the Purveyor. They are completing their Soul's agenda or mission to create new roads by securing and providing all the "things" that it takes to create that new road—this is the Language of the Purveyor in action.

Another way of understanding the Axiom of Translation is to listen to the words you and others choose to describe you. A great example of this is someone who speaks the Axiom of Translation of Nurturer. People will often describe these people as givers, as nurturing, etc.

So how can the Axiom of Translation help you accept this new leadership position? Simply by asking this part of your Soul some questions and listening, it will help you come up with a strategy to accept your new power level.

First ground and center yourself, what I call settling in. Take a deep breath and ask these intelligent questions to the part of your Soul that is the Axiom of Translation (if your Languages haven't been identified yet, just set the intention to direct the questions to that part of your Soul): Where are you judging your leadership abilities? What is the first step toward letting go of these judgments?

When we are in judgment we are out of love for ourselves. When we are out of love for ourselves we will often close many doors that could have made our transition easier and more joyful. So let love open the door!

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Learn the Keys of Grace to Create Time

Time is a human invention. The Universe doesn't see time as we do. To the Universe, time is circular—like the band of gold in this Keys of Grace affirmation card.

Often we can get caught up in our own conception of time. Some of us live in the past, others live in the future, but miracles are happening here in the present. We have constructed these illusions about time and we can deconstruct them.

This affirmation card is about choosing your own time. Do you live in the past or the future and forget about the present? Most of us wear time like this band around our finger, instead of seeing the unlimited possibilities.

The key is to understand what is preventing you from seeing that time is unlimited. Feel the answer within you. Once you understand that time is without limits, you will be in full bloom like the canopy of the tree in this Key of Grace card.

Try repeating the affirmation on this card, which is both simple and profound: "I have time in my Universe."

Edward Abbey put it beautifully: "We are preoccupied with time. If we could learn to love space as deeply as we are now obsessed with time, we might discover a new meaning in the phrase to live like men."

Here's the chance to discover a new meaning of time for yourself.

The Keys of Grace affirmation deck is an easy way to connect to guidance. If you are interested in purchases a deck click here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Monday, October 26, 2009

Your Soul Is There for You 24/7

I've been trying to consciously listen to the messages of Divine Intelligence. Recently, while listening to one of my mentors speak during a class she was teaching, I heard her say, "Your Soul is there for you 24/7." That thought was so profound to me. I wondered, where am I shutting off access to my Soul? It can be overwhelming to people to understand the concept that you are loved and supported 24/7. Take an entire minute to look around and notice the love and support. For this minute, don't focus on what you want to change. Focus on what has already been provided to you.

Impressed? I am! You can build on that love and support by accepting your value, then you will start receiving more.

One of the main ways people block receiving is via money. I have heard from several members in the Soul Language Community that they feel pressure when receiving money while doing the work of their Soul. Here are some of their comments:

Does it always need to be about the money?

How can I ask for money for something that comes so easy to me?

I don't want to sell anyone anything.

It's not about the MONEY. Once again, it's not about the MONEY! It's about receiving support. Receiving compensation for the talents of your Soul is one way the Universe can physically love and support you, and you get to decide what that compensation looks like.

When you feel unsupported, unloved, without trust, confused, unhappy, or lost—that’s the time to create that conscious connection between yourself and your Soul. When a store is open 24/7, they don’t call it a convenience store by accident.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Learn How To Accept The Hero Inside of You

You are a hero. It is only when you accept that you are the hero of your own life that you will live without the day-to-day struggle. One of the things that keeps us from recognizing ourselves as our own hero is that we spend a lot of time comparing ourselves to others.

Just for a moment, imagine if Wonder Woman or Superman spent all of their time comparing themselves to BirdGirl or Batman. It would hold these heroes back, not only from carrying out their own mission but also from enjoying a life of purpose.

What are your heroic qualities? Some of these qualities or talents can be brought to your consciousness more easily by understanding your Soul Languages. My mission here, for example, is to be an Equalizer. My heroic qualities are the ability to create balance and restore equilibrium. Isn't that what Wonder Woman does?

Take a minute today to consciously connect with your Soul Language, category Axiom of Quest. If your Languages haven't yet been identified, just set the intention to contact with that part of your Soul that is the Axiom of Quest, your mission here. Now, ask the intelligent question:

What is one of my hero qualities?

What did you hear? Did you judge the information that you received at all? Allow yourself to feel your hero quality without judgment. From this place you can create the life you desire, whether that is a desire for more money, more supportive relationships, or a deeper connection with the Universe.

If you are interested in releasing judgment, click here to receive your complimentary audio on the subject.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do You Feel You Are Not Enough?

The Soul Language community is growing on a daily basis. What I hear again and again in one way or another from even the most amazing leaders in their fields is “I'm not enough.”

It is amazing how many ways we are programmed not to shine. One of the ways we use to turn down our lights is judgment. An associate said to me this week, "I don't judge others, I'm just hard on myself."

My reaction was immediate: “so you just continually hurt the most important person in your life, yourself?” If you are always judging yourself as not good enough, and your word is law (Law of Attraction), then you will never receive enough.

What does the world get out of you dimming any part of your light or talent? Nothing. What are you receiving? Not what you want.

Another client said recently, after she started receiving the life she wanted—expansion in her business, supportive relationships, fun and the right kind of men knocking down her door—that she was afraid. Of what? She was afraid "that it all could be that easy!" But it can.

She got there because she was able to more fully utilize her Soul and release the limiting beliefs that were in the way of her receiving what she desired.

In order to receive all of want you want you must feel in every cell your value and the truth: you deserve it. The first step is of course to release judgment.

The next step is to collaborate with your Soul Languages and your body to feel your value from head to toe. So are you ready?

Let's do an exercise to get you started. Take a deep breathe and focus on your tailbone. Now ask Divine Intelligence and your Soul to show you in your body what your value feels like.

Feels great! What can you do and create from this place?

To listen How to Stop Judging and Fighting with Yourself and Choose Success audio just click here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

3 Ways to Be Self-Aware

Taking care of yourself is the easiest way to unconditionally love yourself. Being self-aware and in alignment helps you create instant manifestation. So here's to taking care of YOU!

1. Eat, drink and be merry Respect your body by giving it all that it needs. That means eating the right foods that help mind, body and spirit.

2. Feed the Soul Each day do something that feeds your Soul. Don't know what feeds your Soul? Take a moment and connect with your Axiom of Quest and simply ask what is the one thing you can do each day to feed your spirit. Don't know your Axiom of Quest yet? Simply set the intention to connect with that part of you and ask the question above.

3. Spend time with the ones you love Set aside time for you to spend with friends that make you laugh until you cry. Laughter is good for both the Soul and the body. Plus, being around all of that positive energy will allow you to make choices that support your desires.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to be accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and be a stronger leader.

To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are You Completing Your Story Before It Even Begins?

I was sitting at a coffee shop in Morristown. At least once a week you will find me in one of the several coffee shops we have around town, because I find that just leaving the house gives the Universe a number of ways to send you messages. As I sat there drinking my coffee, a message for me pulled up in a red minivan.

A man was trying to park it in a space half the size of the vehicle. I looked up and dismissed him as being plain and of no interest (oh yes, that is a judgment). It took him a couple of minutes to move the van into place and when I looked up again, he was just walking around the front of the car and I had to work hard to keep a straight face.

This was no plain man, ladies and gentlemen. He was dressed in a white zoot suit with red shoes and a red and white hat to match. He looked like he had just stepped out of a 1930s gangster movie with all the class, style and grace.

This tall, lanky man, looking as if he were on his way to a swing dance, started me thinking. How often do we complete the story of what's going to happen to us before we have all the information? How often do we judge who will win the race before it has even started?

I believe that these judgments of how things are going to turn out, so often negative and self-destructive, come from a lack of trust in ourselves that we are worthy to receive what we desire and deserve. The question is, who are you not trusting: yourself, others, the universe? How do you create that trust inside yourself so that what you desire starts to materialize in your life?

Over the last couple of months, I have been playing with trust. In other words, I have been testing the Universe, myself and others. Here's what I have learned: testing is not trusting. Testing is not allowing yourself to receive. When I felt my value, let go of judgment, and trusted that what I have to offer is of value to the world, that is when I started to be open to what the Universe has to offer me.

What were some of the physical manifestation of my trusting? I found people to help me take what I do to the next level. I also found the freedom to make some choices to participate in workshops to expand myself and stopped worrying. The release of worry is life changing—I lost weight and I both look and feel younger.

I suggest that you notice where you are testing and not trusting. Then I want you to PAUSE and determine what you get to let go of so you can choose trust.

Interested in learning more about what is preventing you from accepting your value? Participate in the complimentary class on October 13th at 7:00 p.m. by clicking here.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

3 Ways to Accept Your Talent

Can you look in the mirror and see your talent, your body and your Soul? If the answer is no, now is the time to see your Soul!

1. It's easy

Often we miss our talent because we have a belief that it has to be hard. What comes easy to you? Teaching others how to create that conscious connection with their Soul comes easy to me. My talent is to help you to understand your Soul. I know that helping you have more impact and accept your value is priceless. Determine what comes easy to you and accept your value. We all deserve to be compensated for our talents.

2. You have the right!

You don't need anyone's permission to be your Soulful, talented self. Let go of the need for validation. See where this need for validation is stopping you from receiving what you have been asking for.

3. Play with your people

In truth, when you accept your talents, not all of your current relationships will be able to keep up with you. That's OK! You will find new friends, clients and associates to play with. These people will want and need your Soul's gifts. They will also have gifts that you will desire to play with as well.

Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful

Join the free class on letting go of judgment on Tuesday, October 13th.
Click here to participate.

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at