Dear Jen:
When you are going through transition it can be a very scary time or it can be a very sacred time. The choice is really up to you.
Your Soul
For those of us that are going through transition, it could be very annoying to hear that. Somebody once said it to me and my reaction was, "Great, are you going to tell me how to get to the sacred place? Because I'm really afraid and I'm really not loving this." And to be totally honest, I’ve left out a couple of my favorite curse words.
The key to getting from scary to sacred is surrender, or acceptance. To my Graceful Warrior Language, these sound like very, very dirty words. How many times have you read, heard, been told (via Soul or another person) to just let go? How many times have I written those words in my blogs, my newsletter, or on the Soul Language community site? Definitely hundreds, maybe thousands.
As I accepted my transition and stopped fighting it, several things became very clear to me. I realized that transition was the next leap toward knowing my Soul, and that it would help me guide people more in understanding their Souls.
I’m moving from something big to something global. Even if there are times where it feels as if I'm dancing alone in a crowd, I know that people are starting to tap their feet and soon they will start dancing with me.
As you begin to accept your transition you can create the action steps and strategies that will serve your purpose. The only way to get there is by exploring your Soul.
For today, spend sometime listening to what your Soul desires. You can do this by tapping into your Soul Languages and asking questions like:
- what does my Axiom of Quest desire to live Soulfully?
- what does my Axiom of Translation desire to be more joyful?
- what does my Tone desire to be more accepting?
If you haven't had your Soul Languages Identified, ask yourself how your Soul communicates with you. Then spend sometime doing just that. It could be writing, dancing, drawing, meditating, or just being. There is no wrong or right way to create a conscious connection with your Soul.
Set your fear aside by imaging a large bowl and dumping all that fear into the bowl, or by writing all your fears on a piece of paper and then ripping it up. I'm suggesting you set those fears aside for just 5 minutes and listen to your Soul.
The difference between scared and sacred is the placement of two letters! Just two letters.
Be Conscious * Be Connected * Be Soul * Be Successful
Jennifer Urezzio is an intuitive healer and the founder of Know Soul's Language. Soul Language is a way to consciously connect with your Soul that was received through Divine Guidance. Understanding your Soul Languages allows you to access your own Soul's guidance to accept your value, be more confident, have more impact and grow into a stronger leader.
To receive your 15 minute complimentary Soul Language session click here.
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