Wednesday, July 29, 2009

When I began the journey to understand my Soul, it led me to discovering Soul Language, and the ability to live more fully in my Soul. Once I recognized the value of Soul Language, I was hungry for more. More ways to ask intelligent questions, more ways to utilize this profound information and more ways to meet other "tribe" members. As I began to utilize the knowledge I was receiving from Divine guidance, my life changed. I stopped worrying all the time, my income began to grow, I attracted true people who love and support me, and I lived my purpose.

All that knowledge is now being offered to you. I am excited to offer the Success Support Program. A community based program designed to provide you with tangible tools on how to utilize your Soul Languages in your every day life AND connect with Soul Language "tribe" Members.

Right about now, most healers would be talking about the benefits of the program and you know I am not like most healers. I would like to address the mission of this community and of course Know Soul's Language in general.

I created each Know Soul's Language program to give you tangible ways to consciously connect with your Soul and form. With this conscious connection you learn to accept the support and abundance that is your right.

I am dedicated to the success and support of the planet. To me, that means that each one of us needs to feel successful and supported (whatever those definitions are to them). It is my belief that the Success Support Program provides these essential elements. To learn more about the program read on.

The Elements

Success Support Program
I personally found that I need a formal spiritual check-in at least once a month.

This program is created for transformational individuals who are interested in deepening their connection with their Soul. Puzzle Pieces

The intention is to provide access to tools, techniques and individuals that will provide the much needed support that transformational individuals need in order to continue with their own work. Each element has been constructed to provide the information, the understanding, the tools, the support, and the community that Soul Language members have been asking me for.

The Details of the Program:
1 LIVE Group Telecall (60 minutes) Each Month

Topics include: How To Live More Fully In Soul, Spiritual Blind Spots, Stepping Into the Spotlight, and Who Are You Supporting and Who is Supporting You?
Of course, all calls will be recorded so you can listen to them again and again. First class starts at the end of August.

1 Recorded Exercise Per Month Customized for Your Soul Language

If you want a different relationship with your Soul, then you need to focus on the relationship. These exercises will help build that conscious connection with your Soul. Also included on this recorded message will be additional information about other Languages and exercises so you understand those Languages as well.

Language Thursdays

Feeling stuck? Know what your Soul is saying is profound but need help interpreting? Thursday is your day to connect with me, founder of Know Soul's Language. Send me a question, and using your Soul Languages we will move through the challenge together.

Soul Language Link

Personally, this is the whole reason to join the program! If you are an entrepreneur, most of the money you are earning is coming via relationships. Imagine having a link (Soul Language) that can create instant connections and support! Recently, I connected a Matriarch/Patriarch and a Collaborator. What happened can only be described as planet changing. The Collaborator added a needed element into a program that the Matriarch was offering to an international corporation. Within two weeks, they were meeting and speaking at this international corporation and contacts were being exchanged! There will also be a private site for those in the community to chat, discuss, request, and get to know each other. Interested in seeing what it will look like?

What's the value of this program? I personally can't place a value of knowing your Soul more, creating a deeper connection with yourself, and creating life long connections. I can tell it is less than a night at the movies.

Are you ready to support your own success?
Then say yes to the Success Support Program.

Email me at

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Death, Dad and Facebook

You hear stories about connections being made all time time via Facebook. I truly never thought that it could be utilized by the Universe as a tool of support and knowledge.

On July 6th, my father, Raymond Urezzio Jr, died. That news alone would be heartbreaking but we (his kids) didn't find out until a week later. I received a direct message via Facebook from a relative that I hadn't seen since I was 8. The fury, the panic, and the pain that followed was truthfully enormous. We (my brother and myself) tried for years to have some sort of relationship with our father. Unfortunately, for all involved, he would never even meet us an eighth of the way. This past Saturday was the memorial service; we weren't invited nor did we attend. I have spent the last week truly grateful for this situation. Why? I found my source of ultimate strength -- compassion. I also know that all the life balancing, intuitive tools in my toolbox work.

Someone recently said to me that a funeral was for the living, not the dead. I agree with that statement. Not going to the memorial service, how would I have closure? My life and my work is already shifting to create new tools from this profound moment -- Tools to Help with Loss. It hit me on my Sunday morning walk. The best way to honor my father was to honor myself (and my brother; see above picture) and to pass on what I now know to my community -- YOU.

Before each tip there is a tribute. Thank you in advance for being part of the tribute.

3 Ways to Honor YOU!

1. Be Generous With Yourself
Tribute: My brother, R.J., is one of the most generous people I have ever met. I know this from experience and because I often hear from others acts of immense kindness that my brother does. He always selects the perfect gifts for me and often can't wait until the gift giving occasion.
Tip: Where are you not being generous with yourself? Not taking time for you? Not putting money aside for something you desire? Not giving yourself enough credit? Today, notice where your generosity is faulting for yourself. Then, take a breath and ask yourself how can you be more generous to yourself in that situation?

2. Find Your Ultimate Strength
Tribute: My brother called me the "strongest woman in the world" this past week. Part of me laughs at this statement and part of me goes, yeah, I can see that. My goal is not to be the strongest woman in the world. My goal is to be the strongest me in my world. My strength came from going within and feeling the compassion for everyone involved in the situation. By the way, I believe my Mom is the strongest woman in the world.
Tip: Find where your strength lies. Take a moment and ground yourself. Ask your higher self what is your word of strength. Now ask your body to show you what that feels like in your entire body. This is your ultimate strength.

3. Accept the Support
Tribute: Each person that I told about the situation said the same thing, "what can I do for you?" It has brought my family (my mom, my brother, his wife and his son) closer together. I am no longer accepting individuals in my life that do not support me 100 percent.
Tip: I challenge you to ask and receive the kind of support in your life that you desire. No settling for second best. Determine what you desire from relationships and then accept the support of the Universe to receive that type of relationship. All others that don't fit that desire, let go of the attachment for them to be different. Honor yourself by honoring what you desire.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

3 Ways to Create a New Pattern

1. Where is the pain?

Do you have a job you dislike? Are you in relationships that aren't serving you? These are symbols of pain in your life. Now, sit for a second and ask your body to show you where the pain lives inside.

2. Ask the Question
Ask that part where the pain "lives" in your body and what it needs to be released. The answer could be love, forgiveness, surrender, etc. Whatever the answer, take the appropriate action. For example, if the answer was love, then ask your body and the universe to fill you with love.

3. Add What You Want
What is the new pattern you wish to create? Write it down and repeat it 10 times a day for 10 days. While you are repeating the new pattern, see it, imagine the feeling of it, and believe that it is happening.

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Monday, July 6, 2009

Oils To Energizing & Refresh

Therapeutic grade essential oils provide multiple benefits including aromatherapy. You can receive these benefits via diffusers or by directly inhaling them. Oils that are energizing and refreshing are:
Rosemary, Spearmint, Peppermint, Lemongrass, Grapefruit, Eucalyptus and Juniper.
You can make your own bath oil by using any of these oils.

Choose an organic based vegetable oil and add 8 - 10 drops of oil to 1 tablespoon oil. Drop this
blend into the bath just before you step in. Explore more about essential oils by clicking here. You can download 111 uses for essential oils.

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Friday, July 3, 2009

Do You Have Thyme?

Thyme appears in the ancient Egyptian list of 877 prescriptions and recipes. The medical properties include: anti-aging, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic. The fragrance is helpful to fight fatigue and exhaustion after illness. It is good for fighting infectious diseases, it supports the liver and it may help strengthen your body's ability to produce glutathione levels.

Why are glutathione levels so important?
These levels decrease with age and deficiencies may contribute to oxidative stress, which may play a major role in aging, and adding to diseases like Parkinson's, liver, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell anemia, HIV, AIDS, cancer, heart attack and diabetes.
Glutathione is found in every cell and is a powerful antioxidant. It plays a part in gene expression, DNA and protein synthesis, cell growth and immune response.

Thyme is included in Young Living's Longevity product, along with other essential oils that are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals.

Antioxidants help slow or prevent the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation reactions can produce free radicals, which can damage cells. The product tells you everything it does in the name: LONGEVITY.

How can I use Thyme?
You can diffuse this essential oil, apply one or two drops on a pulse point and/or take as a dietary supplement (only take as a supplement if the oil is therapeutic grade).

How do I get Thyme?
When buying essential oils make sure that they are therapeutic grade oils. Young Living oils have a nutrition label on them, which means you can ingest them. You can learn more about Thyme and where to purchase it by clicking here.

Learn more about Know Soul's Language at

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Are You Giving Your Power Away?

I love the commercial with Brooke Shields about her go to people. Who are your go to people? Take a minute and make a list of your go to people. Now, ask yourself how are you utilizing your go to people? If your relationships with your support team members are balanced and healthy, each relationship should be an even exchange. Each relationship should feel blessed all around. I’m not talking about score keeping here; I’m talking about relationships on even footing.

So ask yourself some questions to determine if you are giving over some of your power:

  • Asking guidance of others all the time; without ever checking in with yourself
  • You feel drained after the conversation not lighter or inspired
  • Asking to many sources for guidance
  • Asking the wrong (for you) sources

Here's how I work with my support team members, when I have a situation or an issue:

  • First I move from fear, so I can hear clear guidance
  • Second, then I have some sort of action strategy
  • Third, I ask if there is any additional guidance or insight that another can help me. If the answer is yes, I determine which support team member it is recommended that I call. It is important, that I set the intention to hear the guidance that this person is offering me.
  • Fourth, when I am speaking with that individual, I consistently check in to determine if the information resonates. If it doesn't, I settle down and ask myself is this resistance. If the answer is no, I let that person know that it doesn't resonate (with love and compassion).

It is so important to have your go to people. If after reading this blog, you feel like you could use some additional talent in your support team, simple set the intention to receive this new individual into your life. It is even more important to utilize them in the greatest good of all.

Are you going inside for guidance or are you looking outside the answers? Learn more about Know Soul's Language at